Kombucha! review – Filmthreat.com
Kombucha Review
The Fiendish Machinations of Lex Luthor
“A master of the art executes the puppetry of Superman and the camera work supplements the live action-puppetry fusion to produce great on camera visual effects. While Locke has stayed true to several elements from the original franchise, his creative take on the appearance of Superman and his speech is a pleasant touch that transports the film away from the capacity of the original and places it in a newly created niche.” ~ PixelsGarage Awards of Excellence
WKMS Article
“Sam Locke works with The Annoyance Theatre in Chicago. A native Tennesseean, Locke was inspired to stage a musical last year called It Came from Kentucky with puppets in the role of the Hopkinsville Goblins, as they are popularly known.” ~John Null, WKMS Kentucky NPR
It Came From Kentucky (2015)
It is an evening of entertainment… if you’re looking to laugh over a drink or two, attending this show is a good way to do just that. ~Christopher Kidder-Mostrom, NewCity Stage
The Weirdos of Oz (2014)
“Because most members of the audience are familiar with the book’s illustrations and have seen the film version, they expect to see fields of poppies, emerald bastions, a witch’s castle and a yellow brick road. When a semblance of the original settings is missing, authenticity is also lost. By presenting the “Wizard of Oz” story as a satire, the Annoyance Theater was able to include 90% of the original story and exclude 100% of the settings and props. The satire followed the original story closely and those who were familiar with the story had no problem following the play. Classical selections replaced the original back-ground music adding to the satire.” ~ Fred Putz, Chicagoland Puppetry Guild
Mouthing Off Puppet Improv Workshop
“…an audience might be more willing to accept dark jokes that come from a purple puppet made of felt. Many people still assume a show with puppets must be meant for children – a definite misconception. In a two-hour workshop April 25, puppets were tourists, mountaineers, needle-prone nurses and mystics, all in situations adults would find funny.” ~ Mary Catharine Martin Capital City Weekly
Weirdos Presents: Strange Tales 2012
“I think the designs of the puppets are terrific. Some of my favorites were Hansel and Gretel, Kernel the Colonel and the old man puppet–I think it looked a lot like a Muppet. There were all different kinds of puppets: finger puppets, hand puppets, and rod puppets.
People who would like this show are people who like puppets, comedies, and eating cheese. I think this show is fun, imaginative, and cool. I think this show should be for ages 3 and up. Older kids will like it still because it is funny. If you have a sense of humor, you will double like it. People should see this show because it is totally rad.”~Ada Grey, Ada Grey Review for You
Annoyance Christmas Pageant 2011
“Children who can’t remember these T.V. originals may find it a bit disconcerting to see adults playing children, especially with Annoyance’s awesome accuracy. But adults can relish the life-sized reenactment of two Christmas classics that lose nothing in the enlargement. Plus Sam Locke’s staging and Lisa McQueen’s musical direction are top drawer. Ho, ho, yes!” ~ Lawrence Bommer, Chicago Theater Beat
Splatter Theater 2008
“…Sam Locke’s 90-minute revival stays true to that heritage of gag-inducing excess, delivering Halloween horrors to a blood- and beer-thirsty audience that gives a shout out for every gross-out. Sixteen stunningly generic characters spout enough stilted dialogue to justify their hideous executions by a Jason-like serial butcher.” ~ Chicago Reader